The Landing Page For a Car Rental Agency In Cyprus
1. Client Intro
Providing friendly and flexible service at all times, this rental agency is the first choice for long-term smart car rental in Cyprus. They give their customers the ability to travel from A to B more enjoyable. Their competitive rates, flexible attitude, and friendly team have helped them gain many satisfied customers. But there is always a place for improvement… That’s why we created a custom landing page.
2. Problem / Goal
The client’s request was a landing page that would present this rental service in the best way and convert more customers. He had an idea of what does he wants and he shared with us a brief about the content. Also, he wanted to be able to use this page as a primary website, not only for Google Advertising.
3. Solution
We researched competitors, made a straightforward landing page scheme and educated a client about our idea and solution. The client was satisfied and we executed this project in a short while.
The main goal was achieved by highlighting benefits, providing all relevant information about the service, car availability functionality, FAQs, testimonials and a chat button. The idea of using this landing page as a primary website was executed with some additional elements, like an Instagram feed gallery.
4. Results
The result was a well-optimized landing page, easy to navigate and ready for the new customers from Cyprus.